What is a Bioswale?
Bioswales are a shallow trenched landscape that has vegetation that is planted to help collect, filter, and infiltrate stormwater runoff.
Why are Bioswales Effective?
Bioswales are effective in that they slow runoff, cleans the water, and recharge groundwater. The vegetation located along the sides of bioswales can be selected to specifically help filter pollutants and toxins that are common in the area which it is located while also reducing the speed of water thus increasing the time to treat and infiltrate the water before entering the creek and reducing the amount of erosion that can occur from stormwater. The bottom of the bioswale can be made with soil media that is designed to infiltrate the water into the ground water thus decreasing the demand on stormwater systems.
Other Benefits of Bioswales?
In addition to a bioswales ability to help with water quality it also provides beneficial functions such as providing shelter and food for local wildlife, reducing the amount of paved area in a location thus decreasing the urban heat island effect, and it acts as a natural barrier between the road and sidewalk or bike lane.