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Public Works
Public Works
Public Works Department is comprised of several functions including Code Enforcement, Animal Services, Building Compliance, Streets, Parks and Recreation. Public Works also has the responsibility of street repairs, cleaning of storm drains, mowing of city property, and maintaining city street signs. It is Public Works goal to provide quality services to help meet the needs of our unique and growing community while at the same time ensuring the safety of Nolanville Citizens. This is accomplished through careful review and input regarding all permit applications, checking for compliance with all ordinances and local codes, and inspection of all construction work done in Nolanville.
Storm Water Management

The new Small MS4 General Permit, TPDES Permit No. TXR040611, was issued on May 30, 2019. It authorizes the discharge of stormwater to surface water in the state from small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).


Flood Plain Management

Public Works Director is the Flood Plain Manager.  Permits are required for construction in the flood way. 

The communities, with the help of the Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG), Brazos River Authority, and Bell County WCID #6 applied for a Flood Protection Planning Grant to aid in the development of new hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, flood damage reduction alternative analyses, and an analysis of the existing flood early warning system and flood response strategies to aid in developing a long-range plan to better manage the Nolan Creek Watershed.  The plan was completed September 13, 2019, click the button below to review the entire report.



Code Enforcement

Within Public Works Department is Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement includes the inspection, improvement, and rehabilitation of environmental hazards on public and private property by determining the presence of health hazards, nuisance violations, unsafe building conditions, junked and inoperable motor vehicles and violations of any health regulations or ordinances. Violations may be located by the Code Enforcement Officer or reported by any person. Upon inspection by the Code Enforcement Officer, the violator is notified of the violation, instructed on possible solutions and given a time frame in which to have the violation corrected. The primary role of the Code Enforcement is to eliminate hazards that could affect public safety. While the code enforcement officer can issue citations, their primary goal is for problems to be corrected by the property owner.

Animal Services

Another function within Public works is Animal Services. Animals services works in providing a safe humane shelter for unwanted, stray, abused, and impounded animals in accordance with state and city regulations in a cost-efficient and effective manner. Animal services also provide the service of keeping the city free of loose and stray animals. For information regarding missing pets, or if you are looking to adopt a pet, please call Animal Services at 254-698-6032.

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