- Willfully mark, deface, disfigure, tamper with, displace or remove any structure, equipment, facility, property or appurtenance whatsoever, either real or personal, located in any of the parks;
Dig or remove any sand, soil, rock, stones, trees, shrubs, plants, down timber or other wood or material, or make any excavation by tool, equipment, blasting or other means;
Attach any rope, wire or other contrivance to any tree or plant, fence, pole, structure, or building;
Dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area;
Stake into the ground any device relating to the erection or use of equipment, signage, or other use not allowed by permit, except open-sided canopies erected for day use;
Cook or build a fire at other than in designated areas;
Failing to completely extinguished any fire previous to leaving the premises;
Use amplified sound equipment other than portable radio, car tape decks, radios or stereo receivers, unless the person has obtained a special event permit from the City; or play portable radios, car tape decks, radios or stereo receivers at a volume that disturbs a person of normal sensibilities;
Swim in or enter into any stream or body of water other than a swimming pool;
Wash or perform any maintenance or repairs on motor vehicles except in emergency situations;
Engage in any commercial activity or any activity for the purpose of earning money or raising funds, unless authorized by a permit from the City;
Bring into or upon the premises of any City park, or possess while therein, any glass drinking container of any kind;
Consume or possess any alcoholic beverage, except such beverages as are dispensed by an authorized person pursuant to a City special event permit, and then only within the specified perimeter;
Use tobacco products of any kind, because of the dangers of second-hand smoke, the environmental impact of discarded non-biodegradable cigarette butts, the accumulation of cigarettes as litter, the attractive nuisance that discarded cigarettes are for children, and the fire danger that discarded cigarettes represent;
Take any pet (specifically, dog, cat or other domesticated animal), wild animal, or any other animals into a park, unless the pet is on a leash or in a designated off leash area. Animals are not permitted on splash pads; an exception to this provision shall apply to service animals only.
Possess or discharge any bow-and-arrow, pellet gun, BB gun, slingshot, illegal knife or, except as may be permitted under State law, any firearm.
Park a vehicle except if lawfully in a designated parking area and in compliance with the posted directions, or when under the instructions of any authorized attendant who may be present;
During any time between dusk and dawn: camping; having a tent or any other temporary shelter; leaving in a park any moveable structure or vehicle used, to be used, or that reasonably could be used as a temporary shelter, including but not limited to house trailer, camp trailer, or camp wagon.
Wheeled vehicles, with the exception of strollers, walkers and wheelchairs, are not permitted off of designated road or parking.
- Any activity prohibited by rules and regulations prescribed by the Director of Public Works as approved by the City Council.
Running, undue roughness, horseplay and other undue disturbances are prohibited
Splash Pads are designed for recreation purposes and not for bathing.
Refrain from using soaps, detergents or shampoos
Infants must wear swim diapers or rubber pants without diapers. Cutoffs and street shoes are prohibited
Wheeled vehicles, with the exception of strollers, walkers and wheelchairs, are not permitted in the Splash Pad area
No animals, with the exception of service animals, are permitted in the Splash Pad area
Radios, tape players or other acoustical devices are only permitted when used in conjunction with headsets
Pool toys and floats are prohibited
No glass containers of any kind are permitted
Food and drinks are prohibited while in the Splash Pad area
The use of profane language will not be tolerated
Persons should be healthy and free of diarrhea or open wounds before utilizing the Splash Pad
Basketball Court & Sport Field Rules
The off-leash dog area is for dogs, their handlers and those accompanying them
Dog owners must clean and dispose of pet waste, per ordinance
Off-leash areas are for socialized dogs, and aggressive dogs must be removed immediately
Dogs should be constantly supervised
Gates should always remain closed
Limit 3 dogs per person per visit
Off-leash pets should be spayed/neutered
Dog must be licensed, vaccinated and wearing identification at all times
Dogs should be leashed prior to entering and upon leaving
Handlers are responsible for any injuries caused by the dogs under their care
No food or glass containers allowed for pet or owner within off-leash area