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Collection Days for Trash Services North of Interstate 14 (Yellow)

Trash Collection:

  • Day: Monday

Recycling Collection:

  • Frequency: Every other week on Wednesday
  • Note: Please review the recycling collection calendar for specific dates.

Bulk Collection:

  • Day: Thursday
  • Frequency: On the 1st week of the month

Collection Days for Trash Services South of Interstate 14 (Green)

Trash Collection:

  • Day: Thursday

Recycling Collection:

  • Frequency: Every other week on Wednesday
  • Note: Please review the recycling collection calendar for specific dates.

Bulk Collection:

  • Day: Thursday
  • Frequency: On the 3rd week of the month


What is My New Service?


Answer: Your new service will include curbside cart-based trash collection serviced once per week, curbside cart-based recycling serviced every other week, and bulk and brush collection serviced once per month. Additionally, you will have the option for call-in household hazardous materials disposal service.

When Does the New Service Start?


Answer: The new service will start on November 1st.

When Will We Receive Our New WM Carts?


Answer: WM will be delivering two 96-gallon carts—one for trash and one for recycling—during the week of October 21st to October 25th. Each cart will come with a pamphlet that includes service information, service maps, and a recycling calendar. Please continue to use your current Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) carts until the end of October.

What Should We Do with Our Current Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) Cart After New Service Begins?


Answer: Please leave your current TDS cart out on your last service day in October, and TDS will pick it up. They will also run through the city during the first week of November to collect any carts that were not put out or missed. Ensure your current TDS cart is left out for removal, and continue using it until your last service day in October.

How Often Is MSW Collected?


Answer: Municipal solid waste (MSW) is collected once per week using a contractor-supplied 95-gallon cart. Please place all items inside the cart for collection.

What is the Total Monthly Cost?


Answer: The total cost per home, before taxes and fees, is $20.50 per month.

How Can I Find My New Collection Day?


Answer: Please consult the map posted above to find your regular collection days for trash, recycling, and bulk pickup.

Who Should I Contact for Questions About Trash Services?


Answer: For any questions about trash services, please contact City Hall at 254-698-6335.

What is the Cost for Additional Carts?


Answer: The cost for each additional cart (either an extra MSW cart or an additional recycling cart) is $3.50 per month, before taxes and fees.

What is the Cost for a Replacement Cart?


Answer: There is no charge for the replacement of damaged solid waste or recycling carts. This is a one-time fee.

What is the Cost for a Replacement Cart if Lost or Stolen?


Answer: The cost for replacing a lost or stolen solid waste or recycling cart is $70.00 per cart, charged as a one-time fee.

How Do I Arrange for the Collection of Unusual Accumulation?


Answer: For information on rates and to arrange a collection, please contact City Hall at 254-698-6335.

What Are the Collection Services for Brush and Bulky Materials?


Answer: Brush and bulky materials are collected once per month, with a maximum limit of 5 cubic yards per collection. For Household Hazardous Waste collection, please arrange a pickup on a call-in basis.

What Recyclables Will Be Accepted in Nolanville’s Recycling Program?


Answer: Nolanville’s recycling program accepts the following recyclables:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Food and beverage cans
  • Clean paper products
  • Clean, flattened cardboard
  • Paperboard

Please do not include:

  • Glass
  • Food
  • Foam
  • Plastic bags
  • Batteries
  • Clothing
  • Carpet

Your recycle cart will have a list of acceptable and unacceptable items on the lid. Additionally, please do not bag your recyclables.

When Will My Recycling Be Collected?


Answer: Recycling will be collected in your recycling cart every other week on Wednesdays. Please refer to the map and recycling calendar for specific details.

Can We Place Items Outside the Cart for Service?


Answer: No, items cannot be placed outside the cart for service. Your carts will be serviced by an automated side-load (ASL) truck equipped with a mechanical arm, so all items must be inside the cart with the lid closed to be collected. Please bag your trash and place recyclables unbagged in the cart.

The only exception is during the bulk and brush pickup service week, where bulk and brush items may be placed outside the cart. However, bags of trash or recyclables will not be accepted outside of carts during regular trash/recycle or bulk/brush service.

How Do We Put Out Bulk and Brush for Service?


Answer: Waste Management provides bulk and brush service for up to 5 cubic yards once per month, occurring on the 1st or 3rd Thursday, depending on your location. To prepare for service, please place your items in a neat pile by the curb (not in the road) on your scheduled bulk/brush day—there's no need to call in for this service.

Bulk and brush will be collected by a rear-load truck with helpers, so only put out items that can be safely handled by the WM employee. The information brochure attached to your cart will include a list of acceptable items for disposal. Be sure to check the map for your specific service day.

What is the “At Your Door” Household Hazardous Materials Program?


Answer: The "At Your Door" Special Materials Program provides a convenient option for disposing of items that are not allowed in landfills, including electronics, batteries, paint products, garden chemicals, fluorescent bulbs, sharps, and more.

To utilize this service, you will need to visit their website or call the number listed in your cart information packet to schedule a service day. This service is included in your monthly rate and allows for unlimited use.

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